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Services and Times

Sunday School



There is a place for you and every member of your family Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. until 10:30a.m. From newborn through the most mature age, Sunday school offers support, age-appropriate Bible teaching and a home base for a relationship-building fellowship. It is through the Sunday School organization that members find a "small" church within a "large" church. Multiple classes within age groups allow relationships to grow through applying Bible study to our lives. It's a great way to connect with those inside and outside of our church.

Morning Worship



Our traditional worship service offers a way for worshippers to bring praise to our Lord and Creator in a more relaxed environment. The anthems of praise and worship that we sing capture the heart of our church as we celebrate God's faithfulness and our gratitude for the work of Christ in our lives. We believe that diversity and unity demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ, and it represents His eternal kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. When you join us in worship, you will feel the presence of the Lord in a powerful way.

 Wednesday Worship

And  Youth



Bible Study

The Bible is the authority for our faith and practice. It is a written record of God's revelation of Himself on the stage of human history. The Bible proclaims the Good News, that God loves each of us, that God offers forgiveness and that God welcomes all who come to Him through faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible is the central focus of our Bible study ministry. Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 6p.m. as we dive deeper into God's Word.


Youth Is where 6th-12th Graders get to come together and Worship the LORD. We try to create an environment where the Youth can open up about what is going on in their lives, and where Jesus fits into it. Our Mission is to serve God along with his people, and part of that is being equipped in the knowledge of the Gospel so that we can share it with the people around us. We would love for you to come and see us!

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